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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 4

OK, so it is time to get serious.  I know, old story, right?  Well, Earlier this year, I started a program called, Take Shape for Life.  It is a healthy lifestyle change to not only losing weight, but trying to get on a better nutritional lifestyle in general.  It is in correspondence with Medifast food.  Well, I did good for about 5 weeks and then I just stopped.  I can give you all sorts of excuses.  (I am good at that.)  But what it really comes down to, it is hard to change really bad habits.  So, I started to only do the program about half way, saying, that is better then nothing, right?  Well, it doesn't work that way.  On facebook, there is a group that goes with the program and day after day I see people post pics of the success they are having and I thought, "What makes it so successful for them?" Somehow, they don't let their cravings control their lives.  That has always been my problem.  Sometimes I know exactly what I am doing when I am doing it and decide, "I will just make the next day better." The next day never gets better.  So, I decided to start with the program all over again.  With one change, I am so going to try to not weigh myself or think about it.  Hard, I know.  Necessary....Maybe.  I just know, if I try to focus on health instead of weight, maybe it will help.  So, Once a month, I will weigh myself.  The first day of the month.  Maybe that will help.  So, the next day I weigh myself is Sept 1.  So today is day 4.  How do I feel?  Well, the first couple of days, I felt OK.  Yesterday, I wanted a hamburger.  Today, I seem fine.  I think this will always be a battle, but I have to keep trying because if I stop, then I accept myself the way I am, and I don't want to accept myself.  I don't feel good and so how can I accept myself, right?  So, here it 4 and hopefully on Sept 1 when I weigh myself, it will continue to be a good streak.                                                        

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