Water, Water, Water and more Water....
OK, so considering that I set all these new goals, things have not been going well. Why you say. Well, just life, stress, too many things going on. Guess what, I snack when that happens. The more I contemplate about that, the more I know that is a very bad habit. Guess what? I started over once again. I am re-evaluating and one of the things I would like to focus on right now is my water consumption. Now my husband will tell you I drink water like a fish, but I really don't. It is just I don't drink very much soda at all so what he sees is that I drink a lot of water. I read somewhere once that the idea of only drinking 8 - 8 oz. water a day is wrong. That might be right for person who weighs what they are suppose to and is fit and eating right, but most of us do not fit in that category. I read that we should be drinking half our weight in oz. of water a day. For example, if you weigh 160 lbs then you should drink 80 oz. of water a day and if you weigh 145 lbs. then you should drink 72.5 oz. of water a day and if you weigh 220 lbs then you should drink 110 oz. of water a day. So, I don't know how true this is and I am not preaching it for fact only saying that most of us probably don't get nearly as much water as we should.
So then that brings me to thirst. I think of the saying...."You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" I would suppose then that if the horse isn't thirsty then he won't drink. Most of the time when I think I don't need that much water, it is because I am not thirsty and then I just forget to drink a good amount of water a day. That would mean then that we have to determine the difference between hunger and thirst. That is what I am going to focus on right now. Am I hungry or am I just thirsty. Instead of reaching for that unhealthy snack, perhaps I should reach for that glass of water.
So here is what I am going to try to do this week. I have this water bottle that holds about 36 oz. of water in it. I plan on only drinking out of it and filling it up 3-4 times a day. Hopefully I will try and be more conscience in drinking it. Let's hope that helps.
That being said, I went running this morning. I ran about 2 miles. It was a slow 2 mile run, but I didn't stop running once and when I got home, you know what I did...... I drank a big glass of cold refreshing water.
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