That's right! It's day 10. I am still going strong. I have had no sugar and hardly any carbs. I also have not weighed myself. Sept. 1 will be my weigh in day. Oh, I have been tempted to get on that scale, but I am trying to not let that be my motivation, only the result of a better lifestyle.
So how do I feel. Not sure yet. I know that every day that I succeed is a serious celebration. When I get ready for bed at night, I try to evaluate myself and see how I measure up. It seems that I have been measuring up with much to celebrate about. For the most part, I don't feel hungry. Every so often I do. That is when I grab some water. Maybe a few almonds and make myself busy. Do I crave things that I shouldn't have? All the time. Man, I just love yummy things to eat. Especially sugary, fatty, yummy things. But I am trying to ignore those cravings and press forward.
All I can say, it is still hard, but I am trying because I am ready for a change.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Day 4

Thursday, July 31, 2014
A very slow slow start
OK, so I am not off to a very good start. This is already hard. I succeed, I fail, I succeed, I fail. It is likes one step forward and three steps back. Man that sugary fatty food is so good. To be honest, I don't even eat that much, but what I eat is not the best. Just convenient. So, once again I am re-evaluating. Health, health, health. That is the key. I know it, I just have to practice it. One day I will try hard to take my own advice. So, here it goes again. I am starting over, once again.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Woo-Hoo for me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Water, Water, Water and more Water....

That being said, I went running this morning. I ran about 2 miles. It was a slow 2 mile run, but I didn't stop running once and when I got home, you know what I did...... I drank a big glass of cold refreshing water.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
There has to be room for cheating
Seriously. I mean it when I say I want to be healthy. I do. I want to try my hardest to eat good live food (live food meaning having lots of vitamins in it). I strongly believe that if you focus on that, your body will get where it needs to be. It has no other choice. Along with eating good live food, water...this is also an important factor. Even though I know all this, there has to be room for some cheating. I have been on some strict diets in the past. I mean super strict and though I have lost weight and it seems like things are going well, I get to a point of melt down. I binge and when I mean binge that is being kind. So I have learned that there has to be room for cheating. With that, you have to know yourself. You have to be responsible for cheating. Responsible cheating, moderation, portion control. So that being said, as you can see according to my ticker above, that I am 8 lbs down. Yay me! Also, I know that this is going to go slow and so I need to be patient. So here is what I made the other day.
This is what it looks like. Pizza that is made from a cauliflower crust. It really is good. I mean don't get me wrong. I love the yummy greasy fatty pizza just like the next person, but as substitutes go, this isn't bad and full of lots of vitamins. I usually grate up a couple of heads of cauliflower and make a ton of crusts to freeze and then when I want one, I pull it out, put sauce, mozzarella cheese and a few slices of pepperoni and cook for about 12 min. in the oven and walla! The sauce is diced tomatoes blended up with a few of my favorite spices. I will put the recipe for the cauliflower pizza crust under my recipe page if anyone is interested.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Changing old habits
Changing habits is hard. Especially when the habit you are trying to change is something you really like. Day 2. How's it going? Well, for the most part, not bad. Of course I always do well the first couple of weeks. Ask me that in a couple of weeks and the answer might be a different. That being said, how do we change habits? To put change in your life, I suppose you add new routines through out the day and stick with them. Replace one routine with another. I suppose our brain needs to be persuaded. So then how do you persuade your brain. Rewards. Your brain reacts to rewards. My habit I am trying to change right now is unhealthy snacking. I have learned that I like to snack. It isn't always the big meal (though I am a sucker to eat out and be social with friends), but the many different little snacks. I love gummie bears, red vines, chips, nuts (the honey roasted kind), fruit snacks, candy corn, Swedish fish, crackers and most anything I can put in my hands and snack out of. So now how to change this habit and make the change a reward. The trick is to be able to see what the consequence of the habit is. Is it a good consequence or a bad consequence? My brain might say "yes, I can already taste it." Then my brain begins to reason and says...what about the consequence? So the trick is how to make my brain realize that the bad consequence is really not what I want. I need to look for the good consequences. So how do I make the good consequence out weigh the reward I think I want to the reward I need? This is what I am working on right now. Motivation. That is my reward. Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. My motivation needs to be that I want more energy, I want to feel good every day, I want the headaches to disappear, I want my back to stop hurting after how many years, I want to feel like I am in my twenties, I don't want to have limitations, I want to be happy with myself. These are all good rewards. So, I am telling my brain, by staying away from the unhealthy snacks, that all these motivations are possible and obtainable. Now to just believe it.
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